Return to School - Protocols and Procedures for Cappawhite National School
Cappawhite National School has been preparing for the new school year. Socially distanced lines have been painted on our playground and boundary wall. Covid information posters and sanitizers have been placed around the school. We look forward to welcoming all our pupils back on Monday August 31st.
Advice for Parents
In order to facilitate a safe return to school, parents are required to do the following:
- Ensure that your updated contact information is provided to the school prior to your child returning to school. Please email cappawhitens2@gmail.com
- Ensure your child is aware of, and using good hygiene and respiratory etiquette practices
- Keep their child at home and contact their GP promptly for further advice if their child or any member of their household display any symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Also seek advice from GP if you get communication that your child was in close contact with a confirmed case of Covid19.
Symptoms are:
- high temperature
- cough
- shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
- loss of small, of taste or distortion of taste
- Do not send your child to school if they have symptoms of COVID-19 under any circumstances.
Control Measures
- Social distancing
- Parents are not permitted in the school grounds (Parents of infant pupils ONLY may escort their child to drop off and collect from the car park door area.)
- Parents to remain at a 2M distance from all other adults while dropping or collecting children
- Parents are asked to “Stop, Drop and Go”, where possible. We would also encourage older pupils to walk to school
- If a child forgets any items, there will be a drop off box outside the main door. Please ring or email the school to let us know you are dropping an item and we will ensure your child receives it
- If you wish to collect your child early, again please contact the school in advance and we will have the child ready for collection
- For the moment, Face to face meetings with staff will not be possible, so please communicate via phone or though the teachers dedicated email (you will be provided with this at the beginning of the school year)
- Arrival and dismissal
- We will operate a drop system whereby parents can drop their child to the school gate - your child will enter the school through a designated door.
- Arrival times will be staggered (by family) and we will inform parents of their allocated drop off and pick up time
- Please adhere to your allocated time to help us avoid traffic congestion
- Parents of infant children who may wish to accompany/collect their child to the drop off door may enter through the circular gate at the carpark entrance. This entrance will be used for both drop off and collection of infants
- Procedures in relation to classroom or pupils
- A contact tracing log will be maintained in each classroom to log any visitor to the classroom
- Children will not be on corridors unless going to/from Special education classrooms and breaktimes
- Staff and pupils will use hand sanitiser/wash hands:
- on arrival at school
- before eating or drinking
- after using the toilet
- after playing/being outdoors
- after coughing or sneezing
- when hands are physically dirty (must be washed)
- Children in a class pod (group within the class) will be 1M from other pods
- Sharing educational material between pods will be avoided
- At a minimum all classroom windows will be opened at all break times.
- Social physical contact will be avoided (handshakes, hugs etc.)
- We will encourage pupils to avoid hand to mouth contact (such as putting pens/pencils in mouth)
- Toys used will only be equipment that can be cleaned or disinfected
- Classroom materials/resources
Stationery - as per the recommendation in our booklist please ensure you child has a pencil case which can be left in school. It would be useful to have a second set of supplies at home for any home based activities.
Art – Where possible pupils will have their own individual art and equipment supplies.
Electronics – Shared electronic devices such as tablets and IPads will be cleaned between use
Library Policy – Where practical pupils will have their own books. Books that are shared will be covered in a wipeable plastic covering that can be wiped with a suitable household cleaning agent between uses. Pupils will be encouraged to perform hand hygiene after using any shared item.
Shared Sports Equipment – We will minimise equipment sharing and clean shared equipment between uses by different people.
- Suspected cases
- If a pupil shows signs or symptoms of a suspected case, the parents/guardians will be contacted immediately. This will be recorded and provided to you. The child will be removed to our isolation room until a family member can collect them. They will be supervised by a member of staff.
- A pupil must remain at home until they have no symptoms or have been given the all-clear by their GP
- Special educational needs pupils
- For children with special educational needs (SEN) maintaining physical distancing in many instances will not be practical or appropriate to implement. Parents/guardians of children with SEN must have a heightened awareness of signs, symptoms or changes in baseline which suggests illness/COVID-19 infection and where symptoms are present children should not attend school.
- PPE is only required in the following instances as per DES guidelines:
- assisting with intimate care of pupils
- administering first aid
- if there is suspected case of covid 19
- when in the presence of someone vulnerable or those living with someone in the very high risk category
- Face shields, masks and perspex shields have been provided to all staff for protection of both pupils and staff. Staff will have personal preference on when they choose to wear face shield/visor/mask.
- Uniform/Coats
Regular washing of uniforms and children’s clothing, as per usual, is recommended to be continued. Pupils are asked to change out of uniforms immediately after school.
Parents are encouraged to send their child to school with weather appropriate clothing each day. Every effort will be made to utilise outdoor playtime for each break regardless of weather. Rain jackets, hats etc are recommended for each child.
Now more than ever it is imperative that parents ensure all pupils clothing and all other items items are clearly labelled with their name. Please ensure that this is completed prior to your child returning to school.