
Sonas Classes


In September 2016, Cappawhite NS established of an ASD Class called ‘Sonas 1’ in the school. This class catered for six pupils on the Autism spectrum and was housed in a spare classroom in the school. A wonderful first year was had by all concerned with Sonas and we extended our ASD facilities in September 2017 with the addition of a second class – Sonas 2.

We now have 12 pupils enrolled in both classes, working with Mrs. English and Mr. Ryan and our great team of special needs assistants

The fundamental function of our Sonas classes is inclusion. The ethos and spirit of Sonas has well and truly been adopted by the whole school and fostered by the school community.  Our Sonas classes are a fantastic addition to our school.

The building of a two new ASD classrooms (ASD Suite) and an adjoining Multi-Sensory Room and quiet room were subsequently sanctioned by the Department of Education in early 2018. This extension is currently being built, with an estimated completion date of February 2021.

During November 2019, the parents of the pupils in Sonas came together to fundraise for some new equipment for the new ASD suite. A coffee morning, a darts tournament and online fundraisers were organised. A total of almost €13,000 was raised by these events.

A cheque was presented to the Board on December 3rd and The Board of Management of the school would like to acknowledge this tremendous support for our school.